Wednesday, April 23, 2008


All day today I was thinking about faith. I was thinking more about my faith then the faith of others. I realized some people around me say they believe in God and what is written in the bible yet never read it. These people have made me look deeper into my faith. They say they have faith and believe yet they don't have faith that God will answer their prayers. I realize not long ago I was that person.

I had head knowledge of the bible but my heart was dead to it. I didn't practice what the bible preaches. I didn't take up my cross and share the word with others. Don't get me wrong knowledge about the bible is just as important as heart. In fact the head knowledge acts as a regulator of the heart. Our hearts in nature are corrupt and misleading at times. Other times our heart can be the fuel that fires our passions to do good things. Our head knowledge filters our passions through biblical principals. So you can have head knowledge but it does no good without the fueling passion of the heart.

When biblical knowledge is combined with heart (Passion) that is when the Lord works best within us. You can't fully operate without one or the other. It would be like trying to drive a car that has no breaks. Sure you can go really fast, but when it comes time to stop! You are in a world of hurt! Until you really start a walk in faith you don't see the whole picture.

God starts doing some pruning in your life. Things you used to be obsessed with become boring. I used to play Xbox 5-6 hours a night. I rarely turn on my Xbox any more I have no desire to. I can see areas of my life that were filled with completely useless stuff. I’m not saying video games are bad. However they can turn into something that completely consumes your life if you let them. My life was wasting away for moments of entertainment that don't last longer then the click of a power button.

I'm telling everyone that is where I was. That it is so worth it to totally give your life to Christ. You'll see so many changes within you. Even ones that you didn't even realize you needed change in. I'm not saying life will be all wonderful and filled with little butterflies that land on your shoulder. I'm just saying you will feel joy that overcomes sorrow. You will find hope that blots out the pain and rejection of failure. You find new purpose in life. Your weakness becomes your strength in God. Meaning when you are weakened by life’s curve balls that smack you square in the gut. You learn that it hurts but it just made you that much stronger. You not only find strength in faith, but strength and endurance given to you by God.

If you think you believe and don't need to open a bible, or that prayer doesn't work. I ask you to re-evaluate your outlook on life. Really ask yourself if that were true? Why then are their so many who have died for those precious words written in the bible. Maybe you feel like God is ignoring you and hasn't given you a chance. I submit this to you who think that. Maybe it is you who haven't given God the chance. I urge you to pick up the bible and at least read in it once a day. It doesn't take much effort to do so. If you can brush your teeth a couple times a day, you can open your bible and read it. Don't do it for me, but do it for your selves.


June said...

Great message Todd! I hope anyone reading this and is searching takes your advice to take that step! They will never regret it! What an awesome God we serve and can blog about :-)

Stacey said...

Very well put honey! It's amazing at the ways that the Lord works in our lives. You may not understand it at the very moment, but you always do in time!

Anonymous said...

Amen Todd! I love how much you love Christ and are wanting to tell the world. Preach on brother.