Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Well today I did absolutely nothing! I spent most of the morning drinking coffee and looking for something worthwhile to watch on TV. There seems to be nothing but trash on TV these days. I turned to on demand and still nothing good. I wasn't in a reading mood but decided to finish off The Pilgrims Progress. If you haven't read it, it is a great book and I encourage you to do so. Also my kids decided it would be fun to kick dirt on the neighbor’s walkway in front of her house. Along with fighting and bickering they swept the dirt up. Sometimes I could just strangle them!!!

Then I think about when I was a kid. One time my best friend and I decided to dodge dirt clods. The only problem other then possible eye injury was that one of us was in my friends open bedroom window and the other chucked dirt clods at the person from outside. I can still see it today from my best friend’s mom’s perspective. I assume she heard thuds on her kitchen wall from the bedroom and came to investigate. The first thing she would have seen was an opened under ware drawer filled with dirt clods (This was our way of hiding the evidence) and me wearing a Seattle Seahawks football helmet putting dirt clods into our clever hiding spot. The room was filled with dirt and the wall that stood in direct line of fire needed to be repainted.

Needless to say we got in big trouble. Then there was a time when my best friend and I decided to teach some kittens to swim in my Mr. Turtle pool. This is by far one of the worst childhood stories I have. I feel guilt over it still today. I was young and knew no better. You see Mr. Turtle Pools had a built in slide. What we did was position the kittens at the top of the slide and push them into the pool of water. They would swim to the edge and we’d place them back at the top and push them back in the water. It was all fun in games in our minds. We were 4 and didn’t realize that we were actually drowning the kittens. Luckily we were caught and the kittens were saved. However some of them need to be recesitated after the fact.

My kids have been pretty good in comparison to the horrors my friend and I unleashed when we were younger! I think of those things that I did when I was a kid and thank God my kids are good and well rounded. My mom used to say my friend and I were good until we got together and then we were hellions! So I always keep in mind that my kids might be good when alone, however with certain company they may just be hellions. I think today they decided to break loose and have some fun in the dirt.


Stacey said...

The kids are angels compared to you! No, just kidding. Between all the rotten things you have done and all the rotten things I have done we are in for a world of hurt as the get older!

Todd said...

Ok honey, Your scaring me!