Sunday, May 25, 2008


I know it seems all I post about is God and the bible. I seldom post about anything else. I can't help but post about what I think about everyday all day long. I have this thirst for knowledge about God that can never be quenched. My passion is God and his works and I can't help but post about it. God has been working on me like a mechanic works on restoring an old classic car. Part by part he has been restoring me slowly. I am amazed at the depths that God has gone to do such a restoration on me.

I didn't even know I needed work on in some areas. These areas can not be reached by alcohol or drugs. These areas are only seen and mended by God himself and then revealed to you once the work is done. The depth of pain and sorrows go deeper then we know. God reaches in and cleans house so you no longer have that to deal with the unseen forces caused by them. Only God can do that, there are no doctors or drugs that can completely heal you from the inside out. I am not ashamed of sharing this with anyone. This is God working in my life and it has more meaning beyond any thing else I could ever write about.

Inside out comes to mind as I write this. Gods work/works in our lives start from the inside and works to the outside. God plants the roots of his love within us so that we may flourish on the inside and what is produced is shown and worked on the outside. Thus we become loving people to those around us, our community, and most importantly those who need help. I no longer live for what I can do, but what God can do through me.

I used to think I am what I am because of me. Now I know I am what I am because of God. No matter what I do I can never fill the void that was once in my life. Only Jesus Christ can do that. Every thing I have has been given to me by God. Family, Friends, Shelter, Food. Every thing that you can think of has been given by God to all of us. Many doubt in a God or that Jesus Christ died for our sins. I am not one of them because I know without a shadow of a doubt he exists. I know God, and his son. They have been by my side through every trial I have faced.

They comforted me when I reached the deepest depths of sadness. They stood by me even when I was ashamed of what the world might think of me if I admitted I loved them. I am no longer ashamed to state that I love God! I love what Jesus Christ did for me on the cross! I love that I have the holy spirit within me! I love that one day I will share this love face to face with all my loved ones who have passed away in Christ. We WILL be together in paradise when the LORD comes back to claim what is his. When we see his light for the first time, there will be no question on how powerful he is. There will be no question that he is our God, creator, and savior.

I wish those of you who are family or friend would just seriously think about this. If you have no faith in Jesus. Look to the well documented facts concerning his life. You'll see they are as solid as rock! I challenge you to search and really dig into the life of Jesus. Look at all the prophecies concerning him written thousands to hundreds of years before he was even a speck in the womb.
They are completely undeniable. If you want I can show you them so you don't have to spend long searching. I am willing to help in anyway I can, you just have to ask.

Well my wife asked if I was writting another novel on blogger. Meaning I need to pay her attention before she decides to play Xbox rather then watch a movie with me. So I am off and please consider what I have stated above. May God bless you all greatly and give you comfort beyond measure.

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