Thursday, May 1, 2008

One rough week!

I am ready for the weekend! Work is going through a remodel and stress is running high in my place of work. I am looking forward to the weekend to unwind and relax. I'd love to take my vacation earlier then planned because I am really ready for vacation! Over all it is only one bad week out of many good weeks. Soon the clutter of the remodel will be gone and all will be back to normal.


Garren said...

What helps me at work is to just scream really loud at different random times throughout the day. I work alone but I'm sure it would work for you too. I think it would take that work stress off everybody's minds for a bit because they would be thinking about you.

Todd said...

I'm gonna try that tomorrow!

Stacey said...

You could also make a paperclip sling shot and just randomly start firing it at people to see if they notice. lol. Wait.. You might hurt someone and get in trouble for that. Sscrath my idea. Go with Garrens. :D