Saturday, May 3, 2008

Recycled Cravens Is Better Then Fresh Folgers!

To keep today on track with the rest of the week. I woke up this morning to find we were out of coffee!!!!!!!!!!!

Notice the exclamation points that really speak of how horrble running out of coffee is! I had no choice but to recycle yesturdays Craven's coffee grounds. I must admit that although it was bad tasting, it tasted much better then fresh folgers coffee. I can't believe I used to drink Folgers! That stuff is like brewing a pot of drano. Well that was my morning in a nut shell. I stayed up till about 11:30PM playing Call Of Duty 4 with my boss and really could have used some good coffee to start the morning off right.


Tonya said...

There arent many things worse than running out of coffee, could probably list them on one hand....

Garren said...

It's good to see you didn't totally panic. Nice save Todd. Back in my stupid high school days we put coffee grounds in our lower lip, like chew, and just brewed it there. We were SO cool.

Todd said...

Yum!!!I once put chewing tobacco between my toes because I didn't want to actually put it in my mouth and my older cousin said it would work. I didn't work but I am sure my cousin got a good laugh out of it.

Stacey said...

A morning with no coffee is a very bad morning! lol. So glad we have coffee again!