Friday, May 2, 2008


Today was insane! I woke up late and missed out on morning devotion. No coffee and had little time to get dressed for work. On top of all the craziness going on with the remodel we had tons of freight moving through the back room all day! There was barely enough room to maneuver from one side of the room to the other. Everyone and their brother decided to stand and talk right in the way! It is a good thing that God blessed me with a mass amount of patients, because it was a stressfull day.

So tonight I am going to jump online and play some Rainbow Six Vegas if my Xbox Live account isn't cancelled. Here is some multiplayer game play photage for those who have no idea what I am talking about. This game is AWESOME!!!!

I could really use a little fun on the xbox about now so I am going to cut this blog entry short and go play! Everyone have a safe and fun weekend!


Todd said...

Wow!!! I got online and played some Call Of Duty 4 with my boss tonight! I forgot how much fun it was!

Stacey said...

Glad you had fun! Umm.. I don't see a pic or video of the game. Maybe my cocmputer is being a pain again today..

Stacey said...

Ok.. for some reason I couldn't type on that day. What the heck is a cocmputer? lol. Oh, and just as an update I can se the video now. :D