Sunday, May 4, 2008

Burned Out!

Had to do some Spring burning yesturday. We snapped a few pictures of the day and the scenery around our property. Overall the burn went smoothly except once when my brother almost got consumed by flame. The wind picked up and he was trying to keep the fire from reaching the wooden fence around our uncles house. I had to make a made dash through flame and sticker bushes to come to his aide! Blinded and smothered by inhaling smoke he was saved as was the wooden fence. That was the most exciting part of the day.

Above is one of my Grandpas turkeys. I miss the old man!

Part of the aftermath.

Me messin with our new camera.> Me getting the hose ready for the fire.


Garren said...

I still think that it's hard to top a day when you can start something on fire. Is that a general guy thing or just a garren thing?

Todd said...

It's a total guy thing! It is almost as cool as the Fourth Of July! Unless your brother almost turns into a crispy critter.

Stacey said...

Not just a guy thing! I like it too! lol. Or maybe I'm just weird. :) You got some great pics honey.