Friday, May 9, 2008

I decided to play a little COD 4 (Call Of Duty 4) and had some fun. However my gaming skills have faded and I am not the killing machine I once was. None the less I had a lot of fun and had some good games. I must say that some of those kids online have mouths that shock me. If I were to talk that way when I was a kid. I'd probably sit around all day sucking on a bar of soap. It amazes me what comes out of kids mouths these days. It actually takes a lot of the fun out of the game, so I just turn the earpiece volume down and enjoy the game without all the horrible 12 year old language.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

All the kids on the game ruin the fun. I'm suprised in the first place that parents buy a mature rating game for their kids.