Sunday, June 8, 2008


It has been years since I watched a basket ball game. I forgot how much I enjoyed watching the game. The family and I were invited out to a friends house tonight to watch the game, and I have to say I had a really good time. The game was going pretty poorly for the Lakers they were down by twenty and somehow they came back in the 4th quarter with minutes left. Unfortunately they weren't able to pull it off. The Celtics won by 6 points in the end. Watching the game tonight brought back memories of sitting on my dads lap watching Larry Bird shoot three's against our home team the Blazers. I don't know why I don't watch the game anymore. I think I may have to take up watching it next year.


Garren said...

I don't follow it anymore but did back in the 90's when it was all about Magic, Isiah, Michael...and the Dream Team that played in the olympics. Remember that?

Tonya said...

I have to say, I really dont follow sports until they are in the playoff rounds! Much more interesting when you know they are playing for high stakes!

Stacey said...

Jeez garren. Thank you ever so much for making me feel OLD!

I had a blasts watching the game and we should watch sports more often.

Todd said...

That is about when I quit watching too! After all those guys retired the new guys didn't hold a candle to thier abilities and I lost interest. Those were the days!!!