Thursday, June 5, 2008

Are You Awake?

Usually when I see them coming I hide when they start knocking on my door. However this time was different. I came home on my lunch break and realized my wife was talking with some Jehovah Witnesses at our front door. I decided to join them and get in on the conversation. As always they handed us a copy of Awake magazine and talked of the end times. We sat there and listened to what they had to say. When they finished I turned to my wife and asked her if she had invited them to service in the park. She stated that she hadn't yet. So I extended an invitation for them to join us and our Church at depot park for good food and a good message.

What an awesome opportunity! They witness to you and that gives you more room to witness to them! Why didn't I use this as a means to wittiness you others before? Instead of dreading a weekly visit I should have looked forward to it. This is how I will handle knocks on the door from Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses from now on.

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