Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fun In Glacier Park

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Today we ventured up to Glacier Park before they shut the road down for the year. We were in good company which always makes for a great day. We had a picnic and hiked into Baring falls with the kids and had a blast! Above is a picture of the kids with the falls in the background. From left to right....

Emma, Trevor, Nathan, and Jake

On the way down from Logan's pass we happened to see a few more friends who decided to ride their mountain bikes up from the loop. They were taking a breather and then going to head up to the summit. Then ride down in the moon lit night! How awesome would that be!!! We ended up giving them some left overs from the picnic because they were starved. In fact they are probably on the way down as I type this. So I must say God speed Garren and Ryan!! I hope you packed enough clothes cause that ride down is going to be frigid!!!

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The people I have met at church are awesome!!! They are as close to me as family and I feel that they are indeed that. I am tired and ready for bed so I am off to count sheep. Where did that figure of speech come from anyway? Did it come from the line of Shepard work. They'd get so bored counting sheep they'd fall asleep? I gotta Google it sometime to find the answer. That will be another day, I need rest!


Garren said...

Well, I hope all of the sheep were accounted for. The time at the summit was amazing. Amazingly peaceful with that moon. The sub sandwich was amazing too! Us men on that sandwich was not a pretty sight. Tearing, eating, tearing, eating. Ya. Also, not one of us got cold on the ride down. The whole thing was so amazing and fun. Next summer, schedule it and pack a sub sanwich.

Todd said...

I bet you all looked like those pro eaters who can eat 1000 Monkey brains in 3 seconds or less. Sounds like you enjoyed the sandwich. I gotta try that ride next summer it sounds amazing!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm a little late on this.. BUT It was such a fun day. I'm almost sad to see summer go as now now there will no longer be any fun trips to Glacier. What shall we do now with our free time?