Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Punished due to lazyness.

I am drinking Folgers coffee right now. Why would anyone on Earth be moved to drink such a horrible thing as that? The reason being is that I hit snooze more times that I should have. So I am forced to drink coffee that taste like I put cat litter in the coffee pot instead of coffee. Instead of grinding good coffee instead of Cravens. I was too tired so I went for the fast fix. If you haven't learned this lesson in life. Fast fixes are usually the cause of much trouble down the road. So this was not the wisest of decisions I have made even if it is very early in the day.

However with that said, it is caffeine and caffeine is what I need! The horrible taste is covered by what is called Non-dairy creamer from Coffee Mate. What it is exactly if it isn't real cream who knows? All I know is that it makes Folgers bearable to swallow for a caffeine fix. Tomorrow I will get up earlier in order to accomplish the grinding of my Craven coffee. Or I could use the program button so when I wake the beans are ground and coffee is waiting for me?

That is another blog topic. Why go out of the way for a feature like that if you aren't going to use it? I still get up and make it like there is no preprogramed timer on my coffee pot? I guess I should have saved the money and just got a 10 dollar Mr. Coffee pot from a garage sale!


Garren said...

Folgers isn't even as good as used kitty litter.

Todd said...

You are soo right!