Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Only in Montana

Today I had nothing to blog about and I was kind of bumbed about that. However living in the wonderful state of Montana. Opportunities for blogging topics just happen to end up at your front door! While sitting at my desk I heard a police siren briefly sound. I thought to myself that my kids are skating in the middle of the road and are getting busted by the police. Then all of the sudden all the neighbor hood kids start sprinting up to our front door.

I figured they were trying to out run the police and hide at my house. I was not to happy that I was going to have to talk to the police because the kids ran. I was sweaty from working out and was not presentable to anyone at that time. However when the kids came inside they said the police were chasing a bear down the street right towards them. I think the bear took off towards Idaho St. So there should be a pretty interesting story on local news tonight. This also explains why the huge city garbage can outside keeps getting knocked over.

I love Montana and all that comes with living here. From climbing majestic peaks to watching cops chase bears down your street. I love every bit of this state. I hope they have a Montana in heaven cause thats where I want to go when I die!


moondoggie said...

last night in my dreams i was boating down some river which had bears swiming everywhere. then i was walking in some park .bears were running everywhere,playing and sleeping, not paying any attention to me.some dream, all in living color! is it safe to read your bloggg?dad

moondoggie said...
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