Monday, September 8, 2008

In Loving Memory

This picture was taken 3 months before she passed

Today is the day my mom passed away to be with our Lord in heaven. Every year when this day comes I look back on how she was a rock in my life. Even when I didn't see that in her. Her faith in God is what gave me faith. Her teaching me as a kid put me on the right path. It was 6 years ago today that she had passed. She had a minor case of skin cancer and was treated with a heavy dose of chemotherapy to wipe it out quick. Instead it wiped her weak heart out. She had diabetes since she was 5 and wasn't supposed to live past 8 years old. She also survived two kidney transplants and a fight with breast cancer. She was one tough cookie some would say.

I say she had faith in God. She lived by this verse in Matthew. She brought it up many times and used it to comfort me in my struggles in life.

Matthew 17:20

“I assure you, even if you had faith as small as a mustard seed you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”*

She not only believed that she lived that. Her life is proof that even a little bit of faith can get you through large hurdles in your life. That verse has sustained me through much all of my life. Especially when it comes to her passing as well as all the loved ones who have gone before me. I know they are all in heaven anxiously awaiting the day we can all be together again. I Can't wait till that day!

Every September 8th my regrets of leaving her in the hospital haunts me. You see she was on deaths door step for about 2 weeks and was coming out of it. They were going to move her to a nursing home until she got back on her feet. So I decided to go to Idaho for a week. The family and I were planning on moving out there and I wanted to check it out.

The last time I saw my mom was in her hospital bed. I told her I would see her later kissed her and gave her a hug. I left that hospital room thinking I'd see her in a week. Little did I know it wouldn't be until I met her in heaven. A week later I got a call from my wife stating that my mom had passed away. I was floored and couldn't believe it. She always got better and beat the odds. She was getting ready to be moved from the hospital to assisted living. There is no way this could be happening!

My regret is that I wasn't there with her during her last week. I could have given her more kisses and hugs before she left. I will never get that week with her back. I know I shouldn't regret that but I do. The day I meet her in heaven will be glorious and awesome! What relief that will be to my heavy heart. Faith is what sustains me now. I know there are hardships that face me that are unseen. As long as I have that faith that can move mountains. I know I can face each one and over come them as my mom did.

Until the day the Lord calls me home. I will continue the race and get up when I stumble. So that I may make it home and the Lord will say. Good job my good and faithful servant.

1 comment:

Matt and Jenny said...

You never truly get over losing a parent, but knowing that we will be with them in the end makes it alot easier. Our prayers are with you, love to all