Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Battlefield Bad Company Major Let Down!

Most fans of the EA Games Battlefield franchise will in my opinion be very let down. Don't get me wrong the single player game is much improved in the new Bad Company. With environmental destruction and awesome graphics and sound. There is little to be desired in the single player game. However most people love Battlefield for the multi player online game. We love the conquest mode where you fight over flags in strategic positions to gain a foot hold on the enemy strong hold.

The freedom once experienced in past Battlefield games is reduced to an attack and defend game type, where strategy is thrown out the window. Rather then having multiple objectives and various points to capture control of the map. You are pretty much reduced to a single corridor of advance if you are on the offensive. If you are on the defensive there is no way of taking back what is lost. I am very disappointed in the multi player game. The graphics and physics of the game don't make up for the lack of strategy.

If I were to rate the game I'd give it a 7.5 on single player and a 3 on multi player. If you love battlefield multi player I suggest you stick with an older version of battlefield. Don't waste your well earned money on Bad Company. They truly took the heart out of what made the multi player game great and reduced it to OK. One game type called Gold Rush will never compare to the classic Conquest. Sorry EA I love ya but you really forgot what made Battlefield a great game.

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