Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday Morning.

Well what can I say. The cold war has started all over again. No not the "Cold War" but a cold war. Ashley and Jacob are sick again and both have ear infections and are on antibiotics. My wife Stacey is also sick again, and I feel the starts of the cold kicking in. Being that the kids were sick I stayed home with them while Stacey went to Church. I ended up watching the live cast and enjoyed listening to my pastors father step in and lead the service. My pastor wrecked his snomobile and broke his leg. He ended up having 3 hours of surgery and is still resting in the hospital.

Once I got some coffee and ate I sat down with the kids and lead them in bible study. We started in the book of John and read up until John 2. That doesn't sound like far to read. But there is much to explain it seems with every sentence. I tried to keep it a simple as I could so the kids didn't get too bored. I think they got a lot out of it. I could tell by thier eye's that they were very interested in what I was saying. I can't wait to read more to them! It is very rewarding to teach them about it. I hope they find it as fascinating as I do.


Stacey said...

I'm sure they had fun!

Tonya said...

That is such an amazing thing to be able to do! How much richer could our lives be that we get to teach our children about Christ? Sorry you are all under the weather, we have been hit hard here too, it seems if its not our family, its Brandys family. Cant wait for summer and cold and flu season to be over!

Tonya said...

ps, Ashley looks so much like Stacey, I almost thought it was her for a second! What a little young lady!

Anonymous said...

Hope you all are feeling better:) I want to tell you that God is so glorified in how you and Stacey are seeking after Him. It is so amazing to me to read both of your blogs and hear God working so clearly in your lives. I wish we lived closer to be able to have dinner and bible studies together! Have a great week.

Todd said...

I know I wish we all lived closer together. It would be such a blessing to study the word of God along side of both you and Tonya. I remember we did try that for a little while up in Welches.

I guess we'll just have to live with blogger for the time being! Thank you all for the kind words.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I remember that. Praise the Lord for modern technology. Have a happy Easter.