Friday, March 28, 2008

A blah day.....

Today was just another day. Nothing too exciting happening here in my world. The weather is beautiful outside. I might have to go for a walk with the wife here before the kids get home. I also plan on hitting John 2 with the kids today. It is so cool seeing them absorb the word of God. I wish I could have had someone teach me at a young age. My mom used to tell me about Jesus and pray nightly with me and my little bro.

She told me what she knew but we never had a famly time in the bible. I think that might have been a great thing for all of us back then. I am glad that I can teach my kids and share the word of the Lord with them freely. I am also looking forward to the weekly interface this coming week. Thank you all for your prayers. I hope you get the chance to enjoy the sun at least for a little while today. I'm going to get going so I at ya later!!!


Tonya said...

Keep up the good work, we can all learn from what our parents did and didnt do as we were growing up. You guys are really doing great involving your kids in the Word, I am so proud of you both! It is so nice to share the common bond of Christ with family, its just too bad you live so far away!

Todd said...

I too wish we all lived close together so we could share that common bond in Christ together in person. Both you and Brandy have been so faithful since I first met you. I have always been inspired by your faith in Christ.