Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Best Hospital Food Known To Human Kind!!!

When most people think of Hospital food. They think of prime rib that tastes like cardboard. Or instant eggs with a side of unsalted hash browns that are room temperature. People who vision hospital food this way have not eaten at Kalispell Regional Medical Center. We had an emergency today and had to take my daughter to Urgent Care. She has horrible ear infections in both ears and cannot hear. After waiting in the waiting room for an hour. Our stomachs begin to rumble and we decided to get something to eat after the examination. Once we got a prescription for my daughter we headed toward one of the few places you can get a really good lunch!

Located on Pill Hill on the second floor of the hospital sits a little known cafeteria with the best food EVER!!! The picture to the left does not do the food justice. What you see there is a huge hamburger called the Black Tail. On top of a beef patty sits what looks like a pound of Black Forest Honey Ham, and about a pound of Swiss Cheese!!! Nestled in between two hamburger buns. The burger was so big that the fries needed to be placed on their own plate. All of their sandwiches are this awesome and rival most if not all sandwiches at other restaurants in the whole Flathead Valley.

I snapped that picture with my cell phone just so I could show people the food that is available at our local Hospital. People think I'm crazy when I tell them that a great place to eat is the hospital. Little do they know I am right and once you eat there you'll start taking dates there!!! Ok maybe not but the food is good enough to risk it!!! Anyway that is my blog for today. Completely random and all about a hamburger? My daughter should be well enough to go to school here soon I hope. Once she can hear she'll be able to head back.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Mmmmmmmm... that hamburger was so yummy!