Saturday, March 29, 2008

Family Movie Night!

Tonight is family movie night!!! It is one of those bring your own pajamas night and eat nothing but junk food while you veg out and watch movies. One beautiful thing about technology is that we now have on demand! No more late fee's or going to the video store to rent movies. I am looking forward to doing nothing tonight and just relaxing. Also my kids are now playing Rockband with the music blasting!!!! I must be getting old cause I can hear my Step fathers voice speaking through me....TURN DOWN THAT MUSIC!!! Hold on I'm gonna snap some pictures so you can see!!!

Who needs to go to concerts when you can have a band play a private show in your living room? : )

1 comment:

Stacey said...

We lived through it! YAY! I must admit I was tempted to turn down the music.