Friday, August 29, 2008

Church Movie Night!

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I had to snap a quick pic of our Church tonight while leaving. You wondering why I call a movie theater church? The reason being is that it is our church and for movie nights they have been playing the original Star Wars movies. We watched Empire Strikes back this month and last month Greg Laurie spoke and we go were able to watch the documentary on his life called Lost Boy. I have to admit it is strange to have a church in a movie theater but the messages spoken there are awesome! It also draws the younger crowds who may not go to church to hear the word of God. So it is a pretty cool deal we have there at Fresh Life.

We had fun tonight and it was really cool to see The Empire Strikes Back on the big screen again. Tomorrow night I will be speaking at Skate Ministry in front of a bunch of people. They asked me to present my testimony to the kids. I am excited about it and can't wait! It is always cool to share what God has done in your life and how he has changed it. I hope maybe some of those who hear it will be inspired to ask Jesus Christ as their savior.

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