Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sk8 Night.....

I filled in for Erin and gave the message tonight at the skate ministry. I almost didn't because of fear of speaking to over 50 people. I gave my testimony about how God worked in my life and how he got me through some tough times in my child hood up until the present day. I am so glad I stepped up and gave the message. I had to fight back tears a couple of times but I made it through it with the help of God. When I asked if there was anyone who wanted to except Christ. To my shock I was surrounded by a ton of kids. I felt like I was in a football huddle!

It was AWESOME and I am so glad that God gave me the words to speak in order to get to those kids. I can't wait till we start our Skate night next week. I am so stoked to be bringing the word to kids who need to hear it! God is awesome!!!!

Here are a couple of videos I took of Trevor and Jacob pulling off some cool stunts. I had one of Ashley but my phone didn't save it for some reason so I promise to post one of her here soon!

Trevor droping in

Jacob showin his stuff! (Very dark and hard to see.)


June said...

Todd, I am thrilled that God is using you, I knew He had great plans for you!!!! What a great ministry. That just blessed me to hear that many kids accepted Jesus.

Garren said...

Awesome. It seems that God often uses us most when we are scared spitless! Pride is at its lowest at those times and He is glorified. Good stuff.