Thursday, November 13, 2008


Sorry I haven't been blogging as much. In order to keep my blog up to date I figured I'd give you all a little blog since I haven't blogged in a while. The wife and I have started attending a marriage ministry at our Church. It is a place where we as Christians can gather with other Christian couples and talk about how to strengthen our marriages, Spiritually, emotionally, physically, and socially. Couples there are in various stages of their marriages. Some are newlyweds others are old pros at the husband wife thing. We are reading a really good book called, Lasting Love by Alistair Begg. I highly recommend it to anyone who is thinking of getting married or already have tied the knot. So far it seems that Stacey and I have grown even closer then before and we have only attended two meetings thus far. It gives us both an opportunity to grow our relationship even more so.

Not too sure on how these marriage ministries worked, I was kind of fearful of having all of my faults pointed out to me by my wife. However there was a great point brought out in one of the meetings. The point was that we should take what we learned in our studies and conversations and apply them to ourselves rather then point out all the flaws in our spouses character. So I don't have to fear that my wife is going to start pointing things out that drive her crazy, and I will do the same in return. The worst thing one can do is point the finger toward the spouse who is there for the same reasons you are. You are there to grow and pointing the finger will most likely alienate your spouse.

In a sense not pointing the finger will make both be willing to open up without the friction of accusation or defense. I have found it opens up conversation in a positive light were it would have lead into argument otherwise. I can't wait to get more into this to see how much more my relationship with my wife grows. I am in it till the end and all my hair falls out(That could be very soon). I want to be married till death do us part. This is an awesome ministry our Church has provided us. If you ever have the opportunity to do one of these marriage ministries I would highly recommend it!

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