Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election blues

We must be very careful not to pass judgement on our newly elected President. I am guilty of this through this election. I may not see eye to eye with him on things. However I must give him a chance before I completely write him off. I was very upset today at the outcome of the election. I am not racist in fact I am thrilled that a black man has taken the Presidency. However I worry much about policy and political views he may or may not hold. I personally am tired of racial jokes when it comes to Obama. Lets not get low and dirty. Are we still so shallow that we only see the color of a mans skin? Don't attack a mans skin color because you disagree with his policy.

I fear my rights will disappear under this administration. However that could be unwarranted. I believe in freedom of religion, and the right to bear arms. I believe every life should be cherished and not put to death because a mother doesn't choose to want the baby in her womb. However we must give him a chance in order to make a call on how things will go under this presidency. His actions as President will speak louder then his words. Let us not make judgements out of fear but let us make choices out of wisdom. If he does something you disagree with then complain and take a stand. Be fair in your assessment of him. I have chosen to give him a chance until he does something that goes against what I believe. When that happens we can make our voices heard through political processes. By writing representatives and government officials and voting.

We must not blow things out of proportion. It is hard when passion gets in the way but we must remain level headed and not let fear dictate our actions. As Christians we must not pass judgement on others. However we must stand up for our belief in God. Have faith in God no matter what. Obama is elected and really we have no choice but to give him a chance. Don't worry because all is in Gods hands. Don't put yourself in a position that may make you look foolish in the future. Look at all the people who freaked over Y2K. Do you think they may have over reacted out of fear? In a world full of rumors and conspiracy theories we must be very careful in what we believe to be true. Do not let political view cloud your Christian walk.

1 comment:

June said...

Yeah, you're right Todd, we have to let his actions speak. It is so easy to think the worst. We all have to really really pray for Him. Check out the
Everyday it sends you a devotional to pray if you join. It's called 77 days of prayer. It's a pretty cool site actually!