Monday, November 24, 2008

God Answers All Prayers

My pastor once stated in a message. God answers all prayers all of the time. However he doesn't always say yes. He also says no in wisdom. I have always known that but for some reason it never really clicked until I heard it put that way. So many times I have prayed and it seemed an answer would never come. However in reality it did come in the form of a no. So prayers that seem to go unanswered don't really if you look at it through the light of God answers no in wisdom.

When I was in seventh grade I had a girlfriend named Stacey. Like a kid with a crush I would pray to God that one day I would marry Stacey and have three kids with her. Two boys and one girl. After about two weeks and a fight breaking someones nose defending her honor and giving her roses. She dumped me and I was crushed and realized my prayers would never be answered. This illustrates how God says no in wisdom. She was not the one for me and I wasn't the one for her and God knew this.

This also shows that God has a sense of humor. Little did I know that a Girl I went to grade school with and never knew, who played in the same school band that I did would end up being my wife. Not to mention her name is Stacey and we have two boys and one girl. God says no in wisdom so that we live as he knows is best for us. My family is my life that is a gift straight from God. So next time you think God isn't listening. Know that you are wrong in assuming that. He hears and See's all and makes all things possible.

God isn't a genie in a lamp and he doesn't grant wishes, however he blesses us in all prayers even if the blessing isn't visible. What would have happened if he answered that prayer I prayed in seventh grade the way I wanted him to? Would I be happy with that answer. My guess is no, and I know God had this life planned for me already. He wanted to show me that even though he said no to the original prayer. He said yes at the same time and let it be with my beautiful wife. Yesterday it has been 12 year to the day that we became boyfriend and girlfriend.

She still loves me even though I have lost my hair and gained a love handle. She puts up with my faults and still loves to cuddle me even though I hog the bed. I have been blessed to have such a wonderful wife and family. Together we endure much and help each other through the trials of this world. God is good and I know his plan is the best one.

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