Sunday, November 2, 2008

Boy In The Plastic Bubble.

Do any of you remember that movie with John Travolta as The Boy In The Plastic Bubble? I can't remember exactly what his medical condition was in the movie. However I remember he couldn't be out in open air. His room was sealed off by a huge plastic bubble. He also wore a plastic bubble suit when going out away from home. This I have decided is what I am going to do. My family has been pummeled over and over again with colds and stomach flu!

Recycling germs causes us to be sick for weeks on end. I dislike flu season with a passion. Next year I am going to build a plastic bubble so that I can just stay in it until the flu season is over. Stocked with T.V. dinners and Haagen Dazs ice cream pints. I should be able to last through the flu season. I will have to buy an plastic suit with breathing apparatus off of ebay rather the by my IMac but I think it is worth the cost. Next year when you see an astronaut walking down Main Street. Know that it is not a crazy person but me avoiding the flu season.

This is what I will do to pass time in my plastic bubble...


erin said...

get on down with your bad self

Todd said...

Ya know it!!!