Friday, November 7, 2008

Last Saturday In Our Garage.

This Saturday will be the last Saturday we will be holding our Skate Nights in the Garage. We are moving to a new location on Airport Rd. The building is 7000 square feet and will be decked out with skate ramps, rails, and boxes! There will be skate sessions Friday 6-10pm and Saturday 1-5PM. The details are in the works and much needs to be worked out, but that is roughly our situation as of now. It seems like things are happening very fast and my mind can barely keep up with all that is happening. I'm trying to think on what this transition is going to require of us. I've been doing a lot of praying on this today.

Skate night tonight will be the last at the Boys and Girls Club as well. We will attend that tonight so we can witness the reaction of all the kids when they hear the good news! God is truly awesome to have provided everything including office space to the ministry. I am in awe and have a hard time believing it. The cost of everything will be covered meaning ramps and food! It will be a huge skate indoor skate park where kids can go and be safe. Not only that they will learn the word of God! How awesome is that!!!! This is far greater then I had expected previously getting into this.

If the wife and I have enough time I'd still like to get some ramps for our garage and do a small skate night here at home for the neighbor hood kids. I hope we can still do that and have time for it. In the end it is about kids knowing God through something they love to do. Having fun and learning the bible is a great way for kids to learn. It gives them passion for the word of God and a purpose in life. It keeps them out of trouble and helps them build confidence. I love seeing the sense of achievement they have when they pull off a sick trick or drop in for the first time. They always check to see if you saw it.

There is no greater reward then to see kids with low self esteem grow into kids with confidence not only in themselves but also in the Lord. I LOVE IT!!!!! I love God and have been so blessed by this ministry he has lead my whole family to. Well dinner is cooking and I need to spend some time with the wife. Talk at you all later!

1 comment:

Tonya said...

That sounds like an awesome ministry! I love seeing Gods hand in working things out for His greater good.. it is sooo encouraging! Way to go guys!