Sunday, November 30, 2008

Bringing the word.....

I am always excited to have the change to share the word of God with people. I will have that pleasure this Friday at skate night while JD is out of town talking with Pro Skaters and other people about skate ministry. My greatest passion in my life is God and his written word. I am not sure what I am going to talk on. I am used to teaching in sequence from one verse to the next. I have never just taught on a topical level before. I only have one night to teach so that is what I am left with. I'm not big on night after night of salvation messages. I believe the word should be taught as it is written. That way the people listening get to digest Gods word fully.

Don't get me wrong salvation messages are great but you can't sustain a health Christian walk off of them. You need to get down to the meat of biblical teachings in order to do that. Salvation messages are like reading the overview of a book that you find on the inside of the covers of books. You get an idea about what the book is about. However you don't get the full story. In order to understand God and his word. You have to read it from begining to end. I believe that is how it should be taught as well.

So I am praying that God will give me the words to speak this Friday. It is a humbling experience when you are in front of 80 - 100 people and they are listening to your every word. Distraction can take its toll when speaking and you can loose your pace and then your whole message looses steam it seems. I hope that some day soon there will be more time for me to bring the word more often. Right now I am just going at a pace that the Lord has given me that is good for ministry as well as family.

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