Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Crazy times.

I have to look at things and evaluate where I am in my walk with God, and where my family life is. As of now it seems we have no time to rest and we are constantly on the move. Always doing something but not allowing enough time for family bonding. We love ministering to kids and that takes a lot of time out of the week. Between work, school functions, Church activities and the skate ministry that is growing. There is little if no time for us as a family. I have to really look through a lense of clarity in order to make decisions at this point in time. I know we need to cut some things out, however all the things we are doing mean a lot to us.

I have been praying about this for a long time now. I know what we must do because it is clear. The sacrafice will be great but an unhealthy family life is something I can not live with. Stresses are mounting and we have been working through them with the help of God. If we didn't have full time Jobs we could do all we are doing now and still have time for it all. However realistically that is not reality for us. So things must be put aside and family time must be gained. The wife an I are taking the Marriage classes at Church and they are awesome. That is a step in the right direction.

In the practical application of what I read today in Lasting Love by Alistair Begg. God comes first, then family, Church and Church works, Work, then leisure. I know this to be true and we have been putting our works before family. It's time to re-organize so that all is managable. Some hard decisions have been made with a lot of prayer. Pray for us now in our time of transition.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I agree! With a few changes life will be so much easier and well, I'll be less crabby.