Friday, June 5, 2009

Kintla Lake Hike.

Last Monday I went hiking with the Men's outdoor ministry. On this trip we hiked about 20 miles all together. All 20 of them were in the feeding ground of Grizzlies that just came out of hibernation. Along the trail there were bones and spinal cords of deer with the ribs still attached.
A deer hyde here a deer hyde there and scattered bear droppings weaved with fur. It was a great hike even though it was kind of scary hiking in Griz territory. However we had 6 guys packin bear spray and making lot of noise. We didn't see any bears or any deer the full length of the day.
In between Lower Kintla Lake and Upper Kintla Lake stood a couple of very impressive waterfalls. I could resist but snap pictures of them. One of them was on this steep hillside of which we all scaled to reach what was half way up what looked to be about 300ft. The pictures here do not give it justice!
Physically I have been preparing for these intense hikes. Cardiovascular wise I was fit, however my feet themselves couldn't keep up with the rest of me. I blistered severely half way through the hike, making the return hike hellish. It felt as if I were walking on bloody stubs. The only thing that kept me walking was the thought of a big fat juicy Baconator from Wendy's of which I indulged in before I called it a night. I have decided to invest in some better foot wear for the next trip. I hope to prevent any blistering that may occur. I am looking forward to making the summit of Mt. Jackson this summer. It looks like it is a rough go, but I love difficult hikes. It builds character and endurance. If the weather holds out this weekend I plan on chillin and grillin. I hope you all have a great weekend!

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