Monday, January 12, 2009

Israel voted in the wrong.

This shows me how corrupt the U.N. is. They have voted that Israel is in the wrong by attacking missiles sites in the Gaza strip that are run by Hamas. Let us step back and take a look at what really is going on. Hamas has been sending suicide bombers into Israel to blow up cafes grocery stores, and public buses. Yet the U.N. does nothing and says nothing about how they are violating human rights. It's OK to blow up families eating out for lunch in a restaurant according to the U.N. I guess.

You can read the story here...

U.N. Votes against Israel

However when Israel says enough to the murdering of their civilians by suicide and missile attacks. The U.N. steps up and states Israel is violating human rights by sending troops in to put an end to Hamas and their attacks on Israel. God forbid they take out the missile facilities and a movement that kills innocent people. An unfair use of military power is what they were claiming Israel was using to protect their citizens from attack. I've never heard such unbelievable corruption ever! So you wonder what the U.N. is thinking? They were put in place to prevent such things as suicide bombings of innocent civilians. We see now that the U.N. is in effective when it comes to standing up for human rights.

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