Thursday, January 22, 2009

I have to share this with you all!

In my daily routine as a receiving clerk at Rosauers. I get the privilege to talk to many people. Many of them are vendors or sales reps bringing in or ordering product. I love my job because I can be social and meet many different people. There is one sales rep that sings in a high pitched voice while ordering his product. When I first heard him sing a couple of years ago. I instantly thought to myself......"what is that!" Every time he is in he sings loudly for all to hear. It is rather humorous and I've always said that I should catch him on video someday.

Well that day is today........for your pure listening enjoyment! I present Mike from Coca-Cola in his very first music video!

1 comment:

erin said...

that was awesome! nice job capturing that classic Bee Gee moment.