Saturday, January 3, 2009

About to explode!

I can hardly stand it any longer! Ever since I have stepped back from doing the skate ministry thing full time I have been going crazy. I have this constant feeling that I need to share the word with all who will listen! However I am not bringing the word weekly anymore but only when asked to fill in. I can barely stand the feeling of being completely useless when it comes to telling others about Christ in a constructive way. I can blog but I don't really think anyone wants to read my blog let alone read paragraph after paragraph.

Tonight at Church the message supercharged me and made it even worse. I am bound to silence when I have a ton to say and motivation to do so without hesitation. I think I may have to request to bring the word here soon at skate night. I am itching to share the word in another format then blogging. There is nothing like sharing hope with those who need it. You have to listen to the message on Revelation 5 @! It may not be up yet but it is such an awesome message that you can't not give it a listen. It will be given live again Sunday 1/4/09 (Tomorrow)

9AM and then again 11AM Mountain Standard Time. You can watch it live below......(YOU HAVE TO!)

Seriously you have to hear this! If this is an old post you have to go to archived messages and listen to the Revelation 5 Podcast here....

It is awesome!

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