Friday, August 14, 2009

Don't Hang You Church Bulletin Here.

So it finally happened. After about a year and a half of hanging my Church bulletin on a bulletin board for public advertisement, I have been asked not to hang it there by my boss. Today while leaving work I was hanging one of my bulletins so that general passers by could see it and come to my church if they wanted. My boss stopped me and ask me what the bulletins were all about. He stated that he keeps tearing them down only to find them there again. I told them they were bulletins with my church info on them.

He said that they seemed a bit tacky to him. I didn't say much to that and he continued to ask what this Skull Church thing was all about. I told him that the Skull symbolized Golgotha the place where Jesus Christ was crucified in Israel, and that that place in English is called The place of the skull. He stated that it didn't seem too religious to him and that he was tired of all the stickers all over his pop machines.

Explanation: Recently our store has been hit by some website called The Jamhole. They stick the stickers all over our products and pop machines. He was trying to say that those stickers were skull church stickers.

I pointed out to him that I would never vandalize store property with any sticker and that he had the Jamhole stickers confused with Fresh Life bulletins. I explained what Skull Church was about and that it was an outreach event targeting the younger generation. However he asked me not to hang the Skull Church stuff on his bulletin board. Being that all the bulletins from my church mention Skull Church times, that means no Fresh Life bulletins allowed at all.

So my dilemma I continue to hang the bulletins being that the bulletin board is for the general public to hang announcements? Doing so will definitely put the heat on me and possibly cost me my job. Or do I obey even though I know it is discriminatory? I realize Skull Church is very controversial but so is some of the other stuff I see on that bulletin board. What would you do? I have mind to continue putting the bulletin on the board just to stand for what I believe in. However the bulletin board is owned by Rosauers and I am employed by them. If I am off the clock then I would assume that they would have no grounds for punishment.

My car has a Skull Church sticker on it. Does this mean I can't park in the store parking lot? I want to be respectful to my employers, yet I don't want to be discriminated against. I guess I should check the laws when it comes down to these things. So I am not breaking any if I decide to continue to hang the church bulletins on the public bulletin board.

Update: While posting this post I received a book in the mail from out of the blue called.....

Tortured for Christ: One Man Who Dared to Stand Up.

Ya think there may be something to that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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