Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday!

Today was Easter Sunday and the family and I spent most of the day at church. We were helping out with a fundraiser for the Active student ministries. One of the youth pastors spent a day to drive all the way to Spokane to pick up Krispie Cream donuts so that we could sell them to the congregation to raise money for the Active summer camp. The proceeds will go to help pay for students who aren't able to afford to attend. This made for a long but fun day selling donuts. We had 3 services so it was a full day to say the least.

After church Stacey made these amazing pastries filled with strawberries and covered in strawberry frosting. She has been calling them homemade Pop Tarts, but that name doesn't give them justice. They are pastries that have to have fallen from heaven into our kitchen. In fact I need to hurry and finish this blog so I can go eat one! In fact I gotta go..........

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